We were blessed to celebrate the birth of a new grandson this past week. What tremendous joy to see one’s children’s family growing. It was so special to celebrate this incredible milestone with them. My patients certainly understood my short absence.
The big brother and sister named him ‘Tiny Baby,’ until he was officially named at the Brit, or circumcision this morning. Tiny baby has now been welcomed into the Jewish tribe. There is a special blessing that is recited during the circumcision. This precious, innocent child is welcomed and blessed that he should amount to Torah, to fulfill good deeds, and be fortunate to marry. I currently have a son in the dating scene, and I can easily say that’s a lot of pressure for this little newborn! It kind of makes you stop and think about the focus we have for our future generations. It also makes you think about the important things in life: the true milestones.
It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day of just surviving. We are all busy. We are busy trying to be financially stable. We are busy trying to get through the hectic-ness of our day. Whether it’s everything we have to do for ourselves, or our families, sometimes it can be exhausting and overwhelming. Sometimes it can be isolating and depressing just focusing on what needs to be done. It often feels like we cannot complete our to do list. Sure, nights out and vacations would be welcome. Do we have the means, and if so, do we take the time to stop and enjoy the moments? Do we have a circle of friends to share these moments with? Do we feel accepted and understood?
Struggling to survive is not the same thing as living. Please read that again!
It is easy to fall into a rat-race trap, which can quickly become a habit. How much of your day is spent on tasks and the mundane? How much of your day is spent on working towards true milestones? How quickly has your schedule become a habit of rushing through your day without taking a moment to appreciate things around you? What is the significance of blessing a newborn baby boy with fulfilling Torah, mitzvot or good deeds, and marrying?
It’s logical to bless a newborn into the tribe to fulfill good deeds and be an asset to his family and society as a whole. Marrying can be seen as purposeful for furthering the extension of the family. We believe this to be an integral part of furthering our generations and our religion as a whole. I personally believe it isn’t just the fact of marrying, but in marrying a partner. Someone who will help this individual, this grown-up innocent baby become his best self. This is important both inwardly for himself and his family, and simultaneously outwardly towards the community and world as a whole.
Someone who can fulfill their best self is someone who is truly living. They are experiencing the best life has to offer. Reality will still have its ups and downs, but how they are able to float with it, makes them thrive and not just live. This is something we must all strive for every day. The focus needs to be on being our best self. Only then can we accomplish whatever tasks come our way in a healthy and hearty way. Ensuring that we are at optimal health and happiness to accomplish this is imperative. Stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, and feeling lonely will all inhibit this growth. Ensuring your personal wellness journey in mind, body and spirit, while easier said than done, is a journey well worth the rewards.
There are many Acupuncture points that help with emotions. There are points that help with motivation, with decisiveness, and of course with stress and anxiety. Yes, there is a point for everything! Utilizing Acupuncture and focusing on your Holistic Health in a natural way is what you can do to help you realize happiness within your true self. Ensuring the journey is a wonderful one, as you reach the beautiful milestones, can be magical. Acupuncture is beneficial throughout life, from infant to geriatric. Optimal wellness allows you to fulfill your daily good deeds and generally be a good person. Focusing on finding your partner and furthering the beauty that is within, is an incredible milestone to work towards. It all starts with that innocent Tiny Baby. Where you go from there, that’s the challenge. One that I am happy to help you work towards. Focus on not just surviving, but living and thriving!